Who are we?
Sunrise Movement is a national youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.
The Pittsburgh Hub is a collective of students, artists, activists, educators and other Pittsburghers who believe that the future of our region relies on a transition to a green economy where nobody get's left behind and everybody gets a piece of the profit.
What is the Green New Deal?
The Green New Deal is a congressional resolution to mobilize every aspect of American society to 100% clean and renewable energy, guarantee living-wage jobs for anyone who needs one, and a just transition for both workers and frontline communities—all in the next 10 years. Click here for a message from the future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
What are we fighting for?
What do the young people at the Sunrise Movement mean when they demand a “good jobs and a livable future for all” in the Pittsburgh region?
A GOOD JOB pays the bills without harming the health of workers, their neighbors, or the air, water and soil our communities need to survive. This means state and federal funding to train and transition workers across Western PA into good paying jobs (with benefits) in renewable energy, building retrofits, infrastructure updates, regenerative agriculture and other industries that improve the lives of families and communities.
A LIVABLE FUTURE FOR ALL means no people or communities suffer a disproportionate burden of climate change and pollution, or goes without enjoying fair environmental benefits, because of their race, gender, or how much money they make. The climate crisis goes beyond science, and is an issue of health, policy, economics and ethics. It’s already impacting our lives and livelihoods, and our shared futures depend on immediate action at all levels of government.
The Political Engagement Team is responsible for all of our policy and electoral decisions. If you've ever used a Sunrise Pittsburgh Voterguide, you have the Political Engagement Team to thank!
The Communications team keeps the hub looking spiffy, as well as keeping you up to date on all of our upcoming actions, events, and more! From running media to helping maintain this website, the Comms team does it all!
Education is the first and most crucial step in any climate justice journey. Thankfully we have a whole team dedicated to facilitating that journey from start to finish. The Training team teaches people what they need to know to get involved, how to organize, and further fight for a Green New Deal in their community!
Activism is hard, and nobody knows it better than us! So we've constructed a team to help you on your journey. Whether it's talking about burnout or helping create social events to de-stress, Care Team is the comfy hearth keeping our hub healthy and well!
We know we can't bring about a Green New Deal on our own, that's why we make friends! The Partnership Team helps us keep track of said friends and maintain our relationships of solidarity!
Do you like to party? Well how about a protest party? If you've ever seen us out in the streets, that's thanks to our Actions Team. Pushing for a better tomorrow means standing in solidarity against injustice today!